What I lost in translation at both ends of the Great Divide.

And what I found for making that attempt to bridge the chasm.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Melancholy Night Picking Mulberries. 采桑子

Tonight (written last night) I was kind of melancholy so I searched for a poem to reflect my gloom. With my limited command of the language, I will have to be very lucky to find something that can paint my mood. But what do you know? Luck favours the one who try.

I am happy to find this simple yet beautiful poem by 辛弃疾 xīnqìjí. As I translated the poem, I transferred my feelings to the words so I’ll be picking mulberries before I go to sleep tonight.

采桑子 cǎisāngzǐ
Picking Mulberries


shàonián bùzhī chóu zīwèi, ài shàngcéng lóu.
ài shàngcéng, wèi fù xīnshī qiáng shuō chóu.

When young I know not melancholy's flavor, but love to go upstairs.
Love to go upstairs, to write of imagined sorrow.

érjīn shí jìn chóu zīwèi, yù shuō hái xiū.
yù shuō hái xiū, què dào tiān liáng hǎo gè qiū.

But now that I have tasted its bitterness, I hesitated to speak.
Hesitated to speak, except to sigh "what a cold autumn!"



  1. i can never understand a poem, but hope u r feeling better now.don't worry, life is always a cycle of ups and downs.

    and ur mandarin is not bad, at least u know the translation, i can read but can't understand without ur translation

  2. Did not understand why your comments did not appear in the comment column. Anyway, your mandarin is better than mine for sure. I have to consult the dictionary a lot. The reason we read a sad poem is the same as we listen to a sad song - we indulge in it a little and then it makes us better to know that we are not alone in our melancholy reflection.

  3. What has the poem got to do with mulberries?

  4. Good question. :) Check out my next post.

  5. 俗语说:”笑一笑十年少,愁一愁白了头”
    所以朋友哦,想要守着三千青丝, 切记远离秋之凋(愁是秋天心),保持春之勃

  6. 哎呀! 太迟了, 太迟了.
    还是回去采桑子吧! 哈哈
